Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hip Dysplasia Awareness Month

June is hip dysplasia awareness month...I know it's not June yet but I have lots of friends with babies right now, so I feel compelled to do this now.  So, mommies, check the legs of your babies. Do they seem to be the same length?  Good. Next, lie them on their backs and lift up their knees with their feet flat on the ground.  Do they come to the same height? Good. Next, check their fat juicy thighs. Are they symmetrical to each other?  Because they should be.  And, finally, how is their development? Are they rolling over/crawling/walking on schedule?  If not, and you suspect something is wrong, ask for X-rays. For reals. If they are on schedule developmentally, but any of the other indicators are there, call your doctor and ask for an X-ray.  A pediatrician is not going to catch it. Not trying to scare anyone. Most babies don't get hip dysplasia, but mine did and so I'm so much more aware (obviously) and want everyone else to be aware, too!  My pediatrician thanked me for being so proactive because he don't catch it. Our orthopedist told me it went undetected because it was so mild. Had I not educated myself (thanks google) Katie would still be undiagnosed. Educate yourselves. Check your babies. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Four weeks down...

We have had the spica cast for one month as of tomorrow!  Katie has been such a trooper, and life seems to have gone on as normal.  I will say that time seems to be dragging.  In many ways I can't believe it's already been 4 weeks, but in many more ways it feels like we've had this hunk of pink junk for forever!! In four more weeks we will go in for her cast change.  At that time we will find out how much longer we have to have it in our lives...we are hoping and praying for good news on that day!!

Katie's Papa Mike purchased her two spica tables--one for home and one for at the babysitter's house.  They arrived and have made a WORLD of difference to Katie's daily life...and ours!  She is able to sit up in her table and play with her toys, and stays entertained for a much longer period of time.  We are SO THANKFUL to Papa Mike for his generosity!!  And thank you to Ivy Rose Spica Chairs for making the tables for us!
Her name is written in Disney style...of course! We will be adding Minnie Mouse stickers soon!

Playing happily!
Big brother was so excited for her new table, too.

Teeth!  We have teeth!  In the past two weeks Katie has gotten her first two teeth!  Our little baby is growing up so quickly. 
Hard to see them, but they're there...along with a shirt full of drool!
She is eating up a storm.  She LOVES the food that I make for her.  Yep.  I've turned into Martha Stewart in my spare time and am doing something I never thought I would do: I'm making my own baby food.  I used to mock the people who do this (I never understood why anyone would make that which is packaged so nicely and conveniently at Target and sitting on the shelves just waiting to be purchased.)  Well, now I know.  It's so easy to do.  It tastes better.  And it doesn't take any time at all. So, I apologize to all of those whom I previously judged!!!  I was wrong!  But, I'm not judging those who buy theirs either.  I totally understand both sides now.  ;-)  Making her food is the one thing I can control in her little life right now, so it makes me feel happy to be able to do it for her!
Picture of first carrots...she is much less messy when she eats now. :-)

Prayer Requests:  That the next four weeks go by quickly, that her X-Ray on cast change day (May 31st)shows miraculous healing and that the cast can just come OFF instead of being put back on (hee hee), and that Katie continues to be so easy going throug all of it!

Praise reports:  Katie has been amazing.  She has adapted better than we ever could have hoped or prayed for. And, the outpouring of love from friends and family, and church family.  On Sunday a church member laid his hands on Katie and prayed for her healing.  I was so touched and felt so blessed.  God has shown us so much through his mercy and grace during this time.  For all of this we are truly thankful.